Sectors we work in
We work with landlords, investors and private companies to carry out both Cat A refurbishments and Cat B fit outs.
More +We produce everything from purpose-built offices through to internal refurbishments, working with landlords and investors on Cat A and B fit outs.
More +We design and create exceptional, easy to use, sustainable rail green zones, trackside works including platform extension and CIS works.
More +We deliver timely, cost-effective leisure and retail projects in live environments which maximise the return for the client, quickly and effectively.
More +We offer a full range of services from internal works and safeguarding through to design and installation of new modular classrooms.
More +Our Aftercare
Our commitment doesn’t stop when we leave site, quite the opposite. Our aftercare specialists are there to help guide and support you. We can also provide your team with full product or systems training, led by our in-house specialists. If it’s longer-term support you’re looking for, we also offer a number of ongoing support packages to businesses. Whatever your need, our highly skilled aftercare team are on hand to help.
TMT’s Three stage process
At TMT we’re passionate about doing everything the right way – the TMT way, which is why all of our projects follow our simple three steps to success process.
At each stage of a project, one of our team of specialists will be assigned to lead your project from start to finish, they are responsible for ensuring project timescales, budget and value for money are always met.